Sweet sorghum R&D

Madhura sweet sorghum syrup
Madhura sweet sorghum syrup

To resolve the food vs fuel debate there is a need to develop a multi-purpose crop. Thus from the same piece of land food, fuel and fodder needs to be produced. Sweet sorghum (S.S.) is one such crop.

NARI's contribution:
- Development of high yielding varieties and hybrids of sweet sorghum
- Pioneer in India and world. NARI's S.S. hybrid 'Madhura' has been successfully tried in Italy, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Mexico, Pakistan, Thailand, etc.
- 'MADHURA' hybrid can yearly produce from one hectare of land about 2-4 tons of food grain and 2000-3000 liters of ethanol or 2-3 tons of syrup. Bagasse and leaves are an excellent fodder for animals.
- Development of complete technology for syrup production. The syrup has been sold all over India.
- Seed of MADHURA is available.

Syrup can be used as:
- Table syrup.
- Additive in milk; accompaniment to pancakes and bread.
- In salad dressing and icecream topping.
- Sweetner in cakes and biscuit baking.
- Syrupy base in pharmaceutical formulations.

MADHURA sweet sorghum syrup has received extremely enthusiastic response from the users. There have been many claims including : cure for asthma; help in reducing arthritis pain; is a substitute for honey etc.
MADHURA sweet sorghum crop
MADHURA sweet sorghum crop
Sweet sorghum syrup being produced

Sweet sorghum syrup being produced

- Excellent natural source of calcium
- Excellent nutritional and medicinal properties
- Honey like taste. Rich in vitamin C, proteins and Nicotinic acid.
- Rich in glucose and fructose