Renewable Energy

Present activities are in sustainable transport, ethanol lighting/cooking, environment pollution abatement, handicapped rickshaw, etc. Details of the technology are given below.

Improved kerosine lanterns Lanstove and Improved kerosine lanterns

Efficient multifuel lantern christened Noorie has been developed.

A unique device called LANSTOVE which provides light and cooks a meal simultaneously has also been developed.

Biomass Gasifier Biomass Gasifier

Sugarcane leaves gasifier for thermal applications.

Ethanol from 'MADHURA' sweet sorghum Ethanol from 'MADHURA' sweet sorghum

A solar powered ethanol distillation plant was set up in the Institute campus.

Solar detoxification of distillery waste Solar detoxification of distillery waste

Distillery waste which is black in color, very abnoxious smell wise and has high chemical oxygen demand(COD)has been treated using solar energy.

Improved Pedal Rickshaw (IMPRA) Improved Pedal Rickshaw (IMPRA)

NARI has designed an extremely efficient pedal rickshaw called IMPRA.

Motor assisted pedal rickshaw (MAPRA ) and Electric bicycle Motor Assisted Pedal Rickshaw (MAPRA )

Very efficient electric cycle rickshaw has been developed.

Electric rickshaw ( ELECSHA) Electric Rickshaw (ELECSHA)

In major cities of India there are petrol and diesel powered three wheelers called autorickshaws. They ...

MANHARA (Motor assisted NARI handicapped ricksha) MANHARA (Motor Assisted NARI Handicapped Ricksha)

Very efficient and reasonably priced tricycles for handicapped persons have been developed.

Ethanol Stove Ethanol Stoves and Lanterns

NARI has pioneered the development of technology for cooking and lighting on low grade [55-60% (w/w)] ethanol-water mixtures.