Lanstove and improved kerosine lanterns

Noorie multifuel lantern with cooking arrangementNoorie multifuel lantern with cooking arrangement
Only 40% of India's rural population has electricity. Blackouts and brownouts are also frequent. As such, there is a need for an alternative energy source for cooking and lighting. Efficient multifuel lanterns offer a possible solution. NARI has pioneered the development of such multifuel lanterns, called "Noorie", for rural areas. The pressurized mantle lantern produces light output equivalent to that from a 100 W light bulb and can run on ethanol, diesel and kerosene. These lanterns, which also double up as cookstoves, have been christened lanstove and have been tested in local rural homes.

Features of NOORIE lantern:
- Can run on kerosine,ethanol(with slight modifications) and diesel
- Produces light output equivalent to that of a 100W electric bulb
- Consumes 40% less kerosine than the existing pressurised Petromax lamps
- Doubles up as a cooking stove for small quantities of food material.
- Is self cleaning, small in size, lightweight and very easy to light

Noorie Lantern Details

Cooking and lighting R&D strategy

Kerosene Lanstove
Because of the stringent excise laws on the use of ethanol for household uses, NARI has developed the lanstove to run on kerosene. The kerosene lanstove(Trademark filed) is as clean and easy to use as LPG. The lanstove has a high light output and can be used simiultaneously to cook a complete meal for a family of 4-5 people or boil 10 liters of water. This one device can be used to cook, produce light and to provide good clean drinking water. Large scale trials and testing have shown the efficacy of this technology.

The technology is available for licensing.